Twingly statistik

måndag 3 augusti 2009

Brev till Carl Bildt

Jag har nu skrivit ett brev till Utrikesministern Carl Bildt. En politiker jag beundrar för att han så aktivt vill verka för freden i vår värld. Jag hoppas på hans stöd när det gäller den oro jag känner för det som pågår. Läs gärna mitt brev. Det är en officiell handling och i den bifogar jag filer med värdefull information.

Borensberg 2009-08-03

Till Utrikesminister Carl Bildt

Bäste Carl!

Jag skriver detta brev med anledning av den information jag nyligen fått om det som sker av brott mot mänskliga rättigheter mot det Palestinska folket.. Det är svårt att förstå att den israeliska ockupationsmakten så totalt har spårat ur. Det är av största betydelse att på ett sakligt och förnuftigt sätt protestera mot detta. Det måste finnas en väg till besinning.

Min oro gäller även det kristna sammanhang i vårt land som tror sig ha stöd av bibelns eskatologi till ett ensidigt stöd av staten Israel. När man sysslar med stora politiska projekt där extrem religiös propaganda hindrar en fredlig utveckling i dessa områden finns det anledning att reagera, men detta är ingen lätt uppgift.

På min hemsida har jag försökt påverka med information, men känner ibland en stor frustration över att inte lyckas.

Genom kontakt med andra fredsvänner har jag nu senast genom Nils Andreasson ifrån Falköping tagit emot den uppseendeväckande information om läget just nu. Jag bifogar denna information och hoppas att du i egenskap av svensk utrikesminister i den Europeiska Unionen kan påverka situationen.

Med vänlig hälsning
Rolf Ericson
Minkgatan 14
59029 Borensberg
URGENT ACTION 28 July 2009

At-Tuwani Urgent Action: Demand that Quartet pressure Israeli Occupying Forces to revoke demolition order for electricity pylons

On Tuesday, 28 July, members of the Israeli District Coordinating Office (DCO) – the branch of the Israeli army that administers civilian affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)- issued a demolition order to the newly constructed electricity pylons in the village of At-Tuwani, located in the South Hebron hills.

On 19 March 2009, Tony Blair, special middle east envoy of the Quartet, visited At-Tuwani (see AT-TUWANI: At-Tuwani hosts former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair to address Israeli occupation and violence in the southern West Bank). During his visit, Blair assured villagers that oral permission had been given by the DCO to carry out the electricity construction work.

On 25 May 2009, the DCO entered the village of At-Tuwani and ordered villagers to halt construction work on new electricity pylons in the village. No written orders were delivered. (see AT-TUWANI URGENT ACTION:
Demand that Israeli occupying forces allow At-Tuwani to bring electricity
into their village).

On 26 May 2009, Saber Hreini, head of the At-Tuwani Village Council, wrote
to Blair requesting written permission for the electricity work to continue.

We hope that in your role as envoy for the Quartet, you can be of assistance to us in contacting the Israeli government with the hopes of procuring written permission for these projects. We fear without written permission our problems will continue.

There was no response from Blair, as the representative of the Quartet, to concerns of the villagers when the DCO ordered a halt to the construction work on the electricity pylons.

Office of the Quartet
Stefan Szetesi
Private Sector Development Officer


Olivia Otecosky

Office of the Quartet Representative
Telephone: +972 2 633 3333 and

The Quartet is the body consisting of representatives of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia responsible for facilitating peace talks between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority. Tony Blair is currently the special envoy for the Quartet to the Middle East.

Currently At-Tuwani receives only four hours electricity a day, supplied by a diesel generator operated and paid for by the villagers. The illegal Israeli settlement and outposts of Ma’on, Havat Ma’on, and Avigail, located within 2km of At-Tuwani, are supplied by electricity from the main Israeli power grid.

Israel, as the occupying power*, is responsible for the general welfare of the occupied Palestinian civilian population. Whilst providing electricity and water to Israeli settlements and outposts in the occupied Palestinian territories they fail to supply these basic services to Palestinian towns and villages. In this most recent move they are now threatening to demolish the villagers attempts to improve their living conditions.

* International Humanitarian law (1907 Hague Regulation and 1949 Fourth Geneva Conventions) obliges the occupying power to ensure the welfare of the occupied population.

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